Zirconium is a special crown material that is used aesthetic dentistry.

Zirconium porcelain crowns creates more aesthetic and natural look, prevents dark color at the edges of the gum, because of special structure fits perfectly on tooth and gum, is stronger, flexible but unbreakable. It is gum friendly so does not cause allergic reactions and prevents gum recession.

On the other hand, gum recession is a normal thing in years in most of the people because of natural reasons. Because of zirconium is metal free, even the gum recesses, this situation does not cause a bad look. Zirconium is in the same color of your teeth and my not give a disturbing view like gray color of metal.

Usage of Zirconium

  1. Repair of a broken teeth
  2. Renewal of damaged old fillings
  3. Correction of crooked and perplexed teeth (as an alternative to orthodontic treatment)
  4. Teeth that are too damaged to fill
  5. Color defects that can not be resolved with bleaching methods
  6. All the patients that need prosthetic treatment or the ones that need renewal of prosthetic
  7. Patients that have metal crowns

Zirconium crown is a perfect alternative to metal supported crowns in almost every cases.

Process of Zirconium Prosthetic

  1. Teeth must be prepared by cutting for the crowns. This is done under anesthesia. After the cutting process is over, your dentist gets the necessary measurements and prepares a temporary crown to be used during the process.
  2. Zirconium core is prepared in the lab. Your dentist checks if this core perfectly fits into your teeth and gum. Makes the necessary correction to make a perfect fit.
  3. Before the final placement, teeth should be tried out once or twice to see if the color, shape and medical requirements are achieved. Following to patients approval, crowns are sent to lab again for final polishing.
  4. Following the polishing, zirconium crowns are fixed permanently with a special glue.

Overall process takes 5-10 days.